By default, Ubuntu has included LibreOffice as the office suite. For a certain reason, you probably want to install other office suite to replace it. Or you simply want to compare LibreOffice with other free office suites?
A new update of the Kingsoft office suite, WPS 2016 for Linux, was released a few days ago with several new features, performance improvements and various fixes. Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb Wps Office adalah aplikasi sejenis microsoft office untuk linux, baik fungsi maupun tapilan juga hampir mirip. Sesuai dengan judul artikel.
WPS Office is one of other free office suites you can install on your Ubuntu computer. WPS Office is the new name of an office suite formerly known as Kingsoft Office.
The name of this software (WPS) is an acronym for Writer, Presentation and Spreadsheets which are the the names of applications contained on WPS Office. Unlike LibreOffice, WPS Office is not an open source software. It’s a proprietary software owned by Kingsoft. WPS Office itself is available in two versions, free and professional. The free version of this software is maintained by a team called WPS Community. WPS Office is a cross-platform office suite, available for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Anroid. Noregon Jpro 2014 Keygen.