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Key Generator For Siemens S7 Manager Rating: 4,8/5 4027reviews
Siemens S7 300

SIMATIC - a trademark of Siemens AG, bringing together a variety of means of industrial automation, designed to solve the problems of automation of technological processes of production and enterprises. Consisting of the following software: - Siemens PLC Simatic WinAC RTX RTX F MP ODK v4.1-v4.5 (2008-2009) - SIEMENS SIMATIC STEP 7 v.5.5 (07/2010) - Simatic EKB Install v2010.03.20 1) Siemens PLC Simatic WinAC RTX RTX F MP ODK v4.1-v4.5 (2008-2009) Software programmable controllers (Software PLC) SIMATIC WinAC (another name WinLC): control system based on emulation of the controller in the memory of personal computer PC or multi-operator panel Simatic MP. To liaise with external stations I / O Profibus interfaces are used (recommended type of SR5613 and above) and Ezernet (PROFINET). In the operators panel already has built-in interfaces. Ingredients: * WinAC MP 2008 v4.1: software controller for solving relatively simple problems of automatic control on the multi-platform operator panel SIMATIC MP 177 (~ = S7-314), MP 277 (~ = S7-315), MP 377 (functionally and performance close to the iron controller S7-317). * WinAC RTX 2009 v4.5: software controller for solving problems in real time based on a computer with Windows, allows to obtain a deterministic cycle time of the program controller.

* WinAC RTX F 2009 v4.5: software controller for solving problems in real time based on a computer with Windows for fail-safe (Failsafe) systems, delivers a deterministic cycle of the program controller. Supports emergency protection and security in accordance with the requirements to a level SIL 3 under IEC 61508. For the development of F section of the program (security and crash protection) is used STEP 7, supplemented by an optional package 'S7 Distributed Safety'. If F system can not perform the current users security role, it serves as recognition errors, and generates the necessary control actions. Cooper Black Swash Italic Font Free there. For example, deactivates some exits or transfers the CPU controller to the state STOP. * WinAC ODK v4.2 (Open Development Kit) allows you to include code C / C control program SIMATIC WinAC Software PLC, as well as provide access to external hardware and software components. This allows the program to control all resources and functions of the computer operating system.