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In nearly 1600 pages richly illustrated and in color, the second French edition of this book reveals all the secrets discovered to date of biomolecules, mechanisms of action of enzymes, metabolism, expression and transmission of genetic information. In this new edition, the authors have added many new concepts acquired in the last eight short years, which adds almost all sections. But this renewal of content, they have also completely revised their approach to teaching, presenting the material as completely and accurately as possible. The authors do not simply expose the knowledge they draw the reader's attention on how this knowledge has been acquired. Beseler Minolta 45a Manual. They are also highlight the practical implications of research, including medical applications.

Teachers and researchers in biochemistry will hand a reference to-date. As a student in life sciences and medical sciences, it will not only review the basics but also learn about the scientific process and further topics to the forefront of research. He will be invited to the reflection at the end of each chapter, a series of problems of varying difficulty. Summary Part I. Introduction and Background * Life * The aqueous solutions * Principles of Thermodynamics: An Overview Part II.

Biomolecules * Amino Acids * Nucleic acids, gene expression and recombinant DNA technology * Techniques for purification of proteins and nucleic acids * Covalent structures of proteins and nucleic acids * Three-dimensional structures of proteins * Protein Folding, Dynamics and structural evolution * Hemoglobin: protein function in a microcosm * Sugars and polysaccharides * Lipids and membranes Part III. Mechanisms of enzymatic action * Introduction to enzymes * Speed of enzymatic reactions * Enzymatic Catalysis Part IV. Metabolism * Introduction to Metabolism Glycolysis * Glycogen metabolism * Signal Transduction * * The membrane transport * The citric acid cycle * Transport of electrons and oxidative phosphorylation * Other pathways of carbohydrate metabolism * Photosynthesis Lipid Metabolism * * Metabolism of amino acids * Energy Metabolism: Integration and Organ Specialization * Metabolism of nucleotides Part V. The expression and transimssion of genetic information * Structure of nucleic acids * Replication, repair and recombination of DNA * Transcript * Translation * The virus: models for understanding how the cellular level * The expression of eukaryotic genes.

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