I'm looking for a good PDF 2 Image convertor for a long time. I need to convert the PDF to an image in order to print it with use of Qt. I'm programming in Python/Pyside, so if I can convert the PDF to a series of (PNG) images with use of subprocess I can print them without problems. I achieved to do this by calling convert.exe from Imagemagick. It works quite well but it relies on GhostScript and that is a big package which I want to avoid since its more complex to integrate. I also tried muPDF from GhostScript, but this seems to not have stdin and stdout options. That's a pity because it first saves my file.
Dec 28, 2007 I need to take the take the pdf output from reportlab and create a preview image for a web page. Esonic Sound Driver For Windows 7 here. So png or something. I am sure ghostscript will be involved. Python Wand converts from PDF to JPG background is incorrect. And my ghostScript Version is 9.10 and 9.07. Python Wand convert PDF to PNG disable transparent.
Interface to the Ghostscript C-API, both high- and low-level, based on ctypes.
Opens it with muPDF, converts and saves it and then reload it again in my Python application. It should be possible without all those steps! Today I started with experimenting with Poppler's pdf2cairo. I assumed that it would work in this way to convert my (multi paged) PDF to a series of images and pipe it to the stdout. Unfortunately it doesn't and I experience two problems: • It complains that it can only export to stdout when you also use the -singlepage argument. How can I export all pages to stdout?
• When I export to stdout I get the error: 'Error opening output file fd://0.png r n Converting a pdf from stdin to image files is no problem it all. This is my code which also triggers the error about opening the output file: import subprocess pdf = open('test.pdf') p = subprocess.Popen(['pop/pdftocairo.exe', '-singlefile', '-png', '-', '-'],stdin = pdf, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) print(p.stderr.read()) print(p.stdout.read()) I've downloaded PDF2Cairo pre-compiled from: The documentation of the command line options of pdf2cairo can be found here: Hopefully you can help me out to make this work! Update As you can see below in the answers pdftocairo is buggy and does not work correctly when you want to use stdout.
Pdftoppm does work it return is byte object of your PDF file: pdf = open('test.pdf') p = subprocess.Popen(['pop/pdftoppm.exe', '-png'],stdin = pdf, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) data, error = p.communicate() The only thing I still need to do is split the byte object into multiple files. It's a bug in pdftocairo. The output filename is first passed to, which as placeholder for stdout.
But then later that string is passed to which unconditionally to the filename, so that later the fails and the program tires to open the literal file fd://0.png instead of using stdout. Unfortunatlely, the only thing you can do is.
As for exporting a multipage document to stdout, that's not supported at all, and it wouldn't work with filetypes like png or jpeg anyway, because these formats don't support multipage documents. It does work for svg, pdf, eps and ps output files, as these formats do support multipage documents (and the processing of the filename done correctly for these. 30 Dias Para O Amor Download Games. ).