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Sten Mk Ii Serial Numbers Rating: 5,0/5 7511reviews
Sten Mk 2 Barrel

Sten MK III England 9mm Semi Auto (converted 9mm full auto) 16' barrel Project Completed Gun This is the Kit I bought Parts all de milled and bead blasted Cutting the *IO tube I drilled the corners out (except the sharp corners) with a drill press and used a Dremel tool with a cutting blade and a saber saw that I shortened the blade on so it would not hit the wall on the oposite side. Lots of filing.

Evette Schaeffer Serial Numbers Saxophone. Sten Mk II's in German possession were designated MP 749(e). The Belgian Royal Crown and a serial number of typically five figure with no letter prefix. Ok got the ammo problem fixed it was the reloads the question for today is the serial numbers i have two sets on top of the magwell it says sten.

Ralf Stumpf Matcap Download Adobe on this page. The *IO semiautomatic build kit (part of) Bolt stop and guide rods assymbled *IO Hammer installed Preping to weld on the Rear trigger housing Mag well was done the same way by setting it where I wanted it and wire tying it down. Then tack welding and checking Finish Finish can be anything you like. I wanted semi gloss finish, so I chose Alumahyde II Semi Gloss from Brownell It is an epoxy spray that will withstand most solvents.

I wanted as colse to original as possible, which was a plain 1940's gloss black paint (nothing special) Re - Assembly Marks found on the original pieces Trigger Housing Cover ** L.B. Baixar Musica Super Fantastico. Stands for Line Brothers They were a toy maker from the late 11800's till WWII. They made Stens and other items for the war. They returned to toys after the war.

Left: Mag Bottom Right: AB on the retainer (unknown mark) Left: ** LB on Mag end Right: British Broad Arrow mark on stock S68 on spring retainer cup (unknown mark) ** L.B and serial numbers from original Sten * IO is Indianapolis Ordnance, They manufactured the semi auto kit and tube parts and barrel ** L.B. Is Line Brothers They were a toy maker from the late 11800's till WWII.