Automation platform Modicon TSX Micro and PL7 software January04. Selection guide PL7 programming software. Module connecting to 4 Nano. What programming software is required to support. Resident Evil 5 Ps3 100 Save File. Login/Join Partner; Welcome to the Schneider Electric Website. PL7-07 is required to support the TSX 07 Nano.
Hi, I have been dumped with a few problems to solve with a TSX-Nano PLC from Modicon/Telemecanique/Schneider (who the hell makes it?!). I have zero experience with this PLC so please be patient. The PLC in question has no status lights on except the ERR light which is flashing.
From what I can make out, this means that the 'Application cannot be executed', which I guess means the program is corrupted, or even wiped. Possibly backup battery faulty? Am I correct with this assumption? I have acquired (legally!) some software by the name of PL7-07, which is a DOS based program. After installing it, I just cannot get a connection to said PLC. Digging a little, it appears that files by the name of 'DUNTL' are missing.
Why didn't they get installed? I have tried numerous installs, but no luck. I have also tried all conceivable permutations of the 'Programming port' setup but no joy.
How do I know what parameters to set the comms to? Is there a way of setting default settings as there is with Omron PLC's? I do not have a copy of the program on file, because apparently 'There has never been a problem with this machine so we didn't need one'.
So even if I do get connected, I might still be screwed. I have installed software onto a PC running XP Pro, with connection through a USB to serial converter.
(I have a horrible feeling about this.) Could there be a fault with the PLC that will not let me connect to it? I appreciate there is a lot of questions there, but if anybody could shed any light onto any of them, I would be very thankful. Several times.
You'll never get the PL7-07 working under XP. You're going to have to use a boot disk or run Win98 or Win2K. The Unitelway drivers are your problem. You need to install the Unitelway driver and configure it for your comm port. It should have been installed by te software setup, but if not, I can try to forward a copy of the Win2K/XP compatible driver to the forums. I assume you also have the correct programming cable?